In the modern day, most business-related transactions occur online. This flags an important topic of website security which should be a key concern for all business owners. In essence, a business needs to create a website that keeps intruders out and business activities safe. The lack of proper website security may lead to websites being vandalised, destroyed completely or held at ransom.

Cyber-attacks are a constant thing nowadays. On average, 50 hacking incidents occurring every day. They mostly happen at random but this isn’t always the case. On the most part, hackers target a particular vulnerability across multiple websites hoping to get lucky. Most of the time, hackers work on the theory of probability. That said, hackers have become more and more sophisticated and advanced.

Website Security- Why it’s needed

Please see below the main reasons why a business needs good website security:

Protect against Malicious Software

Firstly, malicious software (malware) is any software designed to cause harm. It can also enable website access to other unauthorised users without the owner of the website being aware of it.

They can come in the form of:

  • Spyware – This kind of malware infiltrates your websites and steals information.
  • Ransomware – Ransomware holds your site at ransom. You’ll usually notice a temporarily disruption to all website activities. The ransomware will blackmail the owner into doing what the cyber attackers want.
  • Adware – This is a type of malware that forces its way into a website in order to make unsolicited advertisements.

The malware can cause downtime which can lead to the loss of customers and revenue.

Protect Sensitive Information

Furthermore, most businesses have an online payment feature. When customers use this feature, they give you their personal information. If the businesses website is compromised, the customers’ details run the risk of being stolen. If information ends up getting stolen, you will lose many of your customers. This is because they will not trust your business anymore. Plus, other sensitive business information may also be stolen as well. Once again, this highlights why website security is so important.

Protect Back-Up Data

Next, all websites have a backup of their site that contains all the data related to their websites activities. If backups are not properly secure, a cyber-attack could launch on your site. Typically, the sole intention will be to destroy any backups you may have before it destroys the website as well. Here, backups are important to a business since they can help restore vital data in case of data loss or damage.

Website Security – more benefits

Protect against Blacklisting

Moreover, most of the small businesses derive their business from online traffic generated by search engines. Significantly, when a website experiences a cyber-attack, a search engine will blacklist the website. This blocks potential customers and already existing customers from finding the site through their search engines. This is meant to block the potential spread of the virus or the cyber-attack to other people or websites. When a search engine blacklists a website, the business stands to lose up to 90% of its customers. The result? A potential huge revenue loss.

Furthermore, it is difficult to recover your business after you get blacklisted by a search engine. The business will have to re-establish its presence on the internet from scratch since it will take time for people to trust your site again. Significantly, this reiterates just how important website security is for the normal and safe function of your business.

Protect your business reputation

Lastly, a business is only as good as its reputation. No customer will want to associate themselves with a business whose website security was breached. A good reputation encourages a growing customer base, and this is good for a business as it allows for the business to open itself up to more opportunities.


For any business, be it big or small, website security should be taken very seriously. A business can damage its reputation if it experiences a cyber-attack and is unable to deal with it properly. Therefore, businesses should invest in good website security to avoid any downtime, complete loss of customers, or serious loss in revenue.

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